Cornelius Puschmann's website


  1. "Manipulation digitaler Öffentlichkeiten", Teilnahme von C. Puschmann an einer Podiumsdiskussion im Rahmen der Veranstaltung "re:claim public discourse!" beim SPIEGEL am 22. Februar 2019 in Hamburg.
  2. "The Enron email dataset as a window into digital workplace communication", Keynote von C. Puschmann im Rahmen der Tagung "39. International VAKKI Symposium 2019 - Workplace Communication II" der University of Vaasa am 8. Februar 2019 in Vaasa, Finnland.
  3. "Macht der Gewohnheit? Prävalenz und Prädiktoren von Zugangswegen zu Onlinenachrichten auf Grundlage von Trackingdaten", Vortrag von L. Merten und C. Puschmann im Rahmen des Panels "Politische Information und Partizipation" auf der Jahrestagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppe Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung am 1. Februar 2019 in Mainz (gemeinsam mit Judith Möller und Bob van der Velde).
  4. "Advancing Text Mining with R and quanteda", Vortrag von C. Puschmann am Social Science Data Lab des Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung (MZES) der Universität Mannheim am 30. Januar 2019 in Mannheim.
  5. "Forschungsdatenmanagement und die Herausforderungen des Datenschutzes", Teilnahme an einer Podiumsdiskussion von C. Puschmann im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe „Digitale Lebenswelten: Politik – Medien – Kommunikation" der Universität Hildesheim am 15. Januar 2019 in Hildesheim.
  6. Measuring diversity in search results
    December 5, 2018, Cologne, Germany (in English)
    Conference talk at the Dataset Challenge, part of the European Symposium on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science 2018 in Cologne.
  7. Global diversity in search results: a socio-technical examination of Google, Baidu, and Yandex’ geopolitical search query results in the US, Western EU, India, China, and Russia, Vortrag von C. Puschmann auf der 7th European Communication Conference (ECC) der European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) am 2. November 2018 in Lugano (gemeinsam mit L. Slechten, J. Zeng, M. Wijermars, J. Kulshrestha und C. Courtois.).
  8. Digital Methods in Communication Science: A primer
    October 31, 2018, Lugano, Switzerland (in English)
    Invited talk at the YECREA Workshop on Digital Methods, held as part of ECREA 2018 in Lugano.
  9. Biased or diverse? Measuring algorithmic personalization in search results and news recommendations
    October 24, 2018, St. Petersburg, Russia (in English)
    Invited keynote at Internet Science 2018.
  10. Automatisierte Inhaltsanalyse
    September 8, 2018, Bremen, Germany (in German)
    Invited presentation at the DGPuK Nachwuchstag 2018 at the University of Bremen.
  11. “Creatures of habit? Explaining pathways to online news use in the context of browsing sessions”, Vortrag von L. Merten und C. Puschmann auf der 7. General Conference des European Consortium for Political Research am 25. August 2018 in Hamburg (gemeinsam mit Judith Möller und Bob van der Velde).
  12. Introduction to topic modeling research
    July 24, 2018, Bremen, Germany (in English)
    Expert presentation at the BIGSSS Computational Social Science Summer School at Jacobs University in Bremen. I thank the organizers for putting together a great program.
  13. Biased or diverse? Measuring algorithmic personalization in search results and news recommendations
    July 2, 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands (in English)
    Invited keynote talk at the DMI Summer School, University of Amsterdam.
  14. Vielfältig oder einseitig? Empirische Befunde zur Nachrichtennutzung in algorithmisch personalisierten Informationsumgebungen
    June 29, 2018, Bochum, Germany (in German)
    Invited presentation as part of the workshop "Arbeitskreis Digitale Ethik: Digitale demokratische Öffentlichkeiten" organized by the Center for Advanced Internet Studies (CAIS), Bochum.
  15. Response
    May 26, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic (in English)
    Invited response in the panel “Personalization, Politics and Policy: Cross-National Perspectives” at ICA 2018.
  16. "Biased or Diverse? Measuring Personalization in Online Search Results“, Vortrag von J. Kulshrestha und C. Puschmann im Panel „Measuring Diversity in Algorithmically Personalized News Environments” auf der Jahrestagung der International Communication Association 2018 am 26.05.2018 in Prag.
  17. Affective algorithmic publics? Social media discourse dynamics from Pegida to Brexit
    March 24, 2018, Berlin (in English)
    Invited talk at the conference „Wild Publics: Language in public space under the conditions of late modernity“ organized by Theresa Heyd and Britta Schneider.
  18. Converging on a Populist Core? Comparing Issues on the Facebook Pages of the Pegida Movement and the Alternative for Germany
    February 23, 2018, Frauenchiemsee, Germany (in German)
    Invited talk at the workshop "Global digital cultures and extreme speech“, organized by Sahana Udupa.
  19. Affektive politische Onlinekommunikation: Zur Beziehung von Themen, Akteuren und Quellen auf der Pegida-Facebookseite
    Januar 23, 2018, Berlin (in German)
    Guest talk in the class "Emotionen und Affekte im Journalismus“ taught by Margreth Lünenborg.
  20. Deep personalization in web search?
    December 7th, 2017, Hamburg, Germany (in English)
    Workshop presentation at the joint HBI-UvA Workshop on Algorithmic Personalization and News.
  21. Digital Methods in Communication Science: A primer, Vortrag in der Lehrveranstaltung "Algorithms, Digital Traces and Computational Journalism" am IJK der Universität Hamburg am 29. November 2017 in Hamburg. 
  22. "Der Umgang mit Hasskommentaren" Teilnahme von C. Puschmann an einem Werkstattgespräch bei der Jahrestagung des DJV-NRW 2017 am 18. November 2017 in Duisburg.
  23. Investigating the social media activity of right-wing groups across Europe, Vortrag von C. Puschmann beim "4th Council of Europe Platform Exchange on Culture and Digitisation" (Einladung durch den Europarat) am 20. Oktober 2017 in Karlsruhe. 
  24. Digitale Methoden in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung: Ein Überblick, Vortrag von C. Puschmann am Zentrum für Medien-, Kommunikations- und Informationsforschung (ZeMKI) der Universität Bremen am 6. September 2017 in Bremen.  Networks of Outrage
    July 25, 2017, Berlin, Germany (in English)
    Invited talk at the Dangerous Speech workshop for practitioners and activists at HIIG Berlin, organized by Susan Benesh.
  25. "Topic modeling European political debates with the EUSpeech dataset", Tutorial von C. Puschmann bei der International Conference on Computational Social Science 2017 am 10. Juli 2017 in Köln (gemeinsam mit Tatjana Scheffler und Damian Trilling).
  26. Problems With Sentiment Analysis, Vortrag von C. Puschmann auf der "67th Annual Conference" der International Communication Association 29. Mai 2017 in San Diego (gemeinsam mit Alison Powell)
  27. "Bots and Journalists" Vortrag von C. Puschmann auf der "67th Annual Conference" der International Communication Association am 28. Mai 2017 in San Diego
  28. What a Difference a Day Makes: Topics in Time-Aggregated User Comments on an Anti-Immigration Facebook Page, Vortrag von C. Puschmann auf der "67th Annual Conference" der International Communication Association am 26. Mai 2017 in San Diego
  29. "The hyperactive male core of online populism? Activity, gender and topical preference in a populist right-wing Facebook community" Vortrag von C. Puschmann im Rahmen der Pre-Conference „Comments, Anyone? Multidisciplinary Approaches for Analyzing Online User Comments Across News and Other Content Formats“ im Vorfeld der „67th Annual Conference" der International Communication Association am 25. Mai 2017 in San Diego, USA.
  30. "Wissenschaftliches Publizieren und Medienwandel" Vortrag von C. Puschmann im Rahmend der Reihe "Wissenschaftliches Publizieren im 21. Jh." am IZWT der Universität Wuppertal am 10. Mai 2017 in Wuppertal. 
  31. How malleable is public opinion?
 On the relevance of social media in an era of online misinformation and hate speech
    27 April, 2017, University of Tallinn, Estonia
    Invitation by DAAD.
  32. "Was uns auseinandertreibt - Hassreden im Digitalen Zeitalter" Teilnahme von C. Puschmann an einer Podiumsdiskussion der Stiftung Brandenburger Tor am 21. April 2017 in Berlin.
  33. The algorithm decides?
On the influence of algorithmic selection in digital platforms, Keynote-Vortrag von C. Puschmann bei der Tagung B·Debate “Artificial Intelligence: Dreams, Risks, and Reality” am International Center for Scientific Debate am 8. März 2017 in Barcelona. 
  34. "Der Algorithmus entscheidet? Zum Einfluss automatisierter Selektion in digitalen Plattformen", Vortrag von C. Puschmann im Rahmen des "WZB Big Data Brown Bag Seminar" am Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung am 9. Februar 2017 in Berlin
  35. "On the influence of algorithmic selection in digital platforms", Vortrag von C. Puschmann im Rahmen der Lehrveranstalting "Social Media" im Fachbereich Kommunikationswissenschaft der HHU Düsseldorf  am 30. Januar 2017 in Düsseldorf. 
  36. Kommunikative Dynamiken rechtspopulistischer Empörungsöffentlichkeiten im Netz: Zur Beziehung von Themen, Akteuren und Quellen auf der Pegida-Facebookseite
    Januar 3, 2017, Berlin, Germany (in German)
    Invited presentation as part of the the lecture class "Theorien und Befunde der politischen Kommunikationsforschung". I thank Barbara Pfetsch for inviting me to the FU's Institute for Media and Communication Studies (IfPuK).
  37. Der Algorithmus entscheidet? Zum Einfluss automatisierter Selektion in digitalen Plattformen
    December 8, 2016, Bern, Switzerland (in German)
    Invited talk at the doctoral colloquim of the University of Bern's Institute of Communication and Media Studies (icmb). I thank Silke Adam for the kind invitation and the participants for a lively discussion.
  38. Empoörungsöffentlichkeiten im Netz: Zur Beziehung von Themen, Akteuren und Quellen auf der Pegida-Facebookseite
    November 4, 2016, Braunschweig, Germany (in German)
    Talk at the DGPuK's (national German communication association) Digital Communication Division's annual conference, together with Julian Ausserhofer.
  39. #AoIR2016: Panel Discussion "Who rules the internet?" (moderation)
    October 6, 2016, Berlin, Germany (in English)
    Moderation of this invited plenary panel with Kate Crawford, Fieke Jansen and Carolin Gerlitz at AOIR2016, which was simply great fun to do.
  40. Opportunities and challenges of cultural big data for the common good (discussion)
    September 29, 2016, Tallinn, Estonia (in English)
    Panel discussion at the 3rd Council of Europe Platform Exchange on Culture and Digitisation (CULTURE4D) in Tallinn, in the panel on opportunities and challenges of cultural big data for the common good. I thank Indrek Ibrus for the kind invitation.
  41. What are the topics of populist anti-immigrant movements on Facebook?
    July 13, 2016, London, UK (in English)
    Another talk presenting results from the Networks of Outrage project at the HIIG, held at Social Media and Society 2016, Goldsmiths, London.
  42. Alliance of Antagonism: Counter­publics and polarisation in the German­language online climate change discourse
    June 11, 2016, Fukuoka, Japan (in English)
    Presentation by Jonas Kaiser and myself at ICA 2016, in the panel "Communicating Nature, Sustainability, and Environmental Issues Using Online Media Channels" of the Environmental Communication Division. Thanks, Jonas!
  43. Scalable but redundant? Developing sensible applications of topic modeling to media content
    June 9, 2016, Fukuoka, Japan (in English)
    Talk held at the communication research methods preconference (CRM16) at ICA 2016. Thank you to the organizers, Jens Vogelgesang, Malte Elson, Brian Weeks and Michael Scharkow for putting this together. (working paper)
  44. Keeping Ottawa honest one tweet at a time?
    June 8, 2016, Fukuoka, Japan (in English)
    Paper presented with Heather Ford and Elizabeth Dubois at the ICA 2016 preconference on Algorithms, Automation and Politics organized by Sam Woolley and Sam Shorey and part of the COMPROP project at U Washington. Thanks to the team for an exiciting event in a lovely venue! (published paper)
  45. Information laundering and counter-publics: The news sources of Islamophobic groups on Twitter
    May 17, 2016, Cologne (in English)
    Workshop presentation at SMNews16, a pre-conference workshop at ICWSM2016, together with Julian Ausserhofer (HIIG), Noura Maan and Markus Hametner (Der Standard). Thanks to Bahareh R. Heravi and Arkaitz Zubiaga for chairing this event. (published paper)
  46. Data collection in the digital era
    May 12, 2016, Geneva, Switzerland (in English)
    Presentation as part of the graduate workshop "Qualitative research methods in the digital era: How interviews have been re-shaped by technology?", organized by the joint journalism and communication doctoral program of University of Neuchâtel/University of Fribourg/University of Geneva. I thank Vittoria Sacco for the invitation and my co-presenters and the participants for a lively and engaging discussion.
  47. Rage against the elites? Polarisation and counter-publics in online discourse on immigration and climate change
    April 28, 2016, Lund, Sweden (in English)
    Invited talk at the 4th Lund Conference on Games, Interaction, Reasoning, Learning and Semantics (GIRLS), and my first foray into analytical philosophy. I owe thanks to Emmanuel J. Genot and Justine Jacot for the invitation to an excellent event.
  48. Knowledge in the aggregate? Techniques for large-scale content analysis and their limitations
    April 27, 2016, Aarhus, Denmark (in English)
    Invited talk at the graduate seminar "Encompassing Methods of Knowledge Communication Research" at the Department of Business Communication, Aarhus University. I am indebted to Jan Engberg for the invitation.
  49. Wie interpretieren Nutzer Big Data? (How do users interpret Big Data?)
    February 15, 2016, Münster (in German)
    Invited talk as panel of the panel on regulation and governance at the annual conference of the ABIDA (Assessing Big Data) project at the University of Münster (project website). Thanks for invititing me!
  50. Combining manual and computational text and content analysis
    December 1, 2015, Cologne, Germany (in English)
    Workshop presentation at the annual Computational Social Science Winter Symposium hosted by the CSS group at GESIS. Big thanks to Kashif Rasul (FU Berlin/Zalando Labs) for being my co-facilitator. Get the slides here.
  51. Dissemination, discussion, participation? Science policy concepts from knowledge dissemination to citizen science
    November 19, 2015, Modena, Italy (in English)
    Invited talk at the conference Knowledge Dissemination in the Digital Era: Language and Episteme jointly organized by the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Linguistics at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. I thank Silvia Cacchiani and Annalisa Coliva for the gracious invitation.
  52. Sozialwissenschaften durch Big Data? Ein "systematic review" zu Methoden, Daten und Fragestellungen der Computational Social Science
    November 6, 2015, Berlin, Germany (in German)
    Presentation at a section conference of the DPuK, the German Communication Science Association (sections: computer-mediated communciation and media sociology), on the issue of complexity in communition (science). My thanks to Christian Katzenbach and Christian Pentzold for organizing this thought-provoking event.
  53. Why LIWC sucks (or: saner options for social media content analysis)
    October 21, 2015, Phoenix, USA (in English)
    Methods talks at the second installment of the FAIL! workshop series, this time at Internet Research 16. My thanks to the organizers Katrin Weller (GESIS) and Luca Rossi (ITU) for a really lively workshop!
  54. Ethical issues in Digital Humanities research
    October 1, 2015, Turku, Finland (in English)
    I was invited to this talk at the University of Turku as part of a seminar on Ethics in Digital Humanities. My thanks to Sari Östman for inviting me, and to the participants for a lively discussion.
  55. Linguistic and interdisciplinary perspectives on online discourse
    September 31, 2015, Turku, Finland (in English)
    Invited talk held at the University of Turku, Finland, as part of a lecture series on "digital language in use". I thank Marjut Johansson and the LANGNET program for the kind invitation.
  56. #fail: Narrativity and metalinguistic function in hashtags
    June 27, 2015, Bayreuth (in English)
    Joint presentation together with Theresa Heyd, delivered at Personal Narrative Online, hosted by Susanne Mühleisen and Daria Dayter.
  57. Beitragsrepertoires der rezeptionsbegleitenden Kommunikation via Twitter
    June 12, 2015, Friedrichshafen (in German)
    Workshop presentation at "Co-orientation in media reception: Practices of second screen usage" and event organized by DFG Schwerpunkteprogramm Mediatierte Welten. I am grateful to the organizers for including me in this inspiring workshop.
  58. Sharing, gathering and interpreting social media data on policy issues
    June 4, 2015, Sofia (in English)
    Invited talk on applications of social media data for the analysis of policy issues, held at the Workshop on Co-designing the Global Internet Policy Observatory (GIPO), which took place during EuroDIG 2015. Many thanks to the GIPOnet team for inviting me!
  59. Measuring meaning, capturing personality? Auditing language-assessing algorithms
    May 26, 2015, Oxford (in English)
    Scenario developed together with Marco Bastos, Wiebke Loosen, and Jan-Hinrik Schmidt, and discussed as part of the Workshop on Auditing Algorithms, which took place as part of ICWSM 2015. We thank Mike Ananny, Karrie Karahalios, Christian Sandvig and Christo Wilson for organizing an excellent and lively workshop.
  60. Text mining with R: A brief oberview
    March 6, 2015, Cologne (in English)
    Talk at the Cologne R user group on the applications of text mining for (broadly) research in the humanities and social sciences (slides here). Thanks to Markus Gesmann for the invitation and to the group for having me!
  61. Long term motivation and power as key differentiators in crowd science platforms
    September 25, 2014, Lucca (in English)
    Conference presentation based on research together with Sascha Friesike, Benedikt Fecher and Kaja Scheliga, given at the workshop on Computational Social Science (CSS14) at the annual European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS14). I thank Taha Yasseri and Javier Borge-Holthoefer for organizing such a highly innovative event.
  62. Exploring the role of social media for scholarly communication
    August 21, 2014, Copenhagen (in English)
    A practically-oriented invited talk given to the faculty of Copenhagen Business School's Department of Intercultural Communication and Management as part of the department's annual summer retreat. I thank Dennis Schoeneborn for the invitation.
  63. Facebook’s emotional contagion experiment and user rights
    July 2, 2014, Berlin (in English)
    Talk together with Engin Bozdag at the weekly HIIG journal club.
  64. Operationalizing different scholarly roles in the humanities through author level metrics
    May 28, 2014, Durham, NC (in English)
    Remote presentation at the Big (& Messy) Data and Collaboration Workshop, sponsored by HASTAC, the NSF EAGER Grant team, and the Duke University PhD Lab on Digital Knowledge.
  65. Orthographic variation as a sociolinguistic variable in computer-mediated communication
    May 24, 2014, Bonn (in English)
    Conference talk given at the Third Bonn Applied English Linguistics Conference (BAELc3).
  66. Writing styles and link patterns in academic networks
    March 6, 2014, Cologne (in English)
    Conference talk at General Online Research 2014 (GOR14), Session D5 (network analysis).
  67. Sentiment analysis as a technology of interpretation
    January 13, 2014, Amsterdam (in English)
    Talk at the winter school of the University of Amsterdam's Digital Methods Initiative.
  68. Anmerkungen zur Institutionalisierung von Wissenschaftsblogs
    December 20, 2013, Frankfurt (in German)
    Presentation at the workshop Dynamisches Bewahren?! (Dynamic Preservation?!) at the German National Library.
  69. Vernetzung, Sichtbarkeit, Information? Nutzungsmotive informeller digitaler Kommunikationsgenres unter Wissenschaftlern in Deutschland und Großbritannien
    November 20, 2013, Hamburg (in German)
    Presentation at the event Science 2.0 in Bibliotheken (Science 2.0 in libraries) at the ZBW.
  70. But what good are they for knowledge dissemination? A macroscopic perspective of digital genres
    November 4, 2013, Modena (in English)
    Plenary talk at CLAVIER 13: Discourse in and through the Media -- Recontextualizing and reconceptualizing expert discourse. I thank Marina Bondi and Davide Mazzi for the kind invitation to a great conference!
  71. The politics of (Twitter) data
    June 24, 2013, Amsterdam (in English)
    Keynote at the annual summer school of the Digital Methods Initiative. I thank Richard Rogers for the kind invitation.
  72. Wide open or locked down? Platform politics and research quality in big data research
    June 18, 2013, London (in English)
    Talk as part of the panel Big Data and Communication Research: Prospects, Perils, Alliances, and Impacts at the annual meeting of the International Communications Association (ICA 2013, 17-21 June, London). Chaired by Eric T. Meyer, with contributions from Bernie Hogan, Mark Graham, Matt Weber, danah boyd, Kate Crawford, and Ralph Schroeder.
  73. Collecting Twitter data
    April 16, 2013, London (in English)
    Presentation at the event New Social Media, New Social Science?, jointly organized by NatCen Social Research, SAGE and the Oxford Internet Institute. Thanks to Grant Blank for inviting me.
  74. A Tale of Two Platforms: Emerging communicative patterns in two scientific blog networks
    February 11, 2013, Oxford (in English)
    Invited talk given as part of the Nuffield/Oxford Internet Institute Social Networks Seminar Series at Nuffield College. I thank Bernie Hogan for inviting me and Ralph Schroeder and Eric Meyer for being my hosts at OII.
  75. Digitale Methoden in den Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften: Chancen und Herausforderungen
    December 17, 2012, Goettingen (in German)
    Invited talk held on December 17th, 2012, as part of the Göttingen Center for Digital Humanities' lecture series on Internet and society. My thanks to Heidi Hanekop for the kind invitation. (pdf, slideshare, video)
  76. Twitter as a data source for (socio)linguistic research
    November 29, 2012, Freiburg (in English)
    Invited talk on the potentials of Twitter data for linguistic research held at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Study (FRIAS) on invitation from Christian Mair and Theresa Heyd. Thanks for having me, and for a thought-provoking conversation! (pdf, slideshare)
  77. Form and Function of Digital Genres of Scholarly Communication: Results of the SciLogs study
    August 3, 2012, Duesseldorf (in English)
    Presentation by Merja Mahrt and myself given at the Conference on Science and the Internet (#cosci12), held from August 1-3, 2012, in Düsseldorf. (pdf, slideshare)
  78. Vernetzung, Sichtbarkeit, Information: Nutzungsmotive informeller digitaler Kommunikationsgenres unter Wissenschaftlern
    June 26, 2012, Berlin (in German)
    A presentation outlining my postdoc project, held at the Berliner Bibliothekswissenschaftliche Kolloquim (BBK). (pdf, slideshare)
  79. Data Access, Ownership and Control in Social Web Services: Issues for Twitter Research
    May 26, 2012, Phoenix (in English)
    Joint presentation given at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association (ICA) in Phoenix, AZ, as part of the workshop "Social Media Research: Ethical and Methodological Challenges" with Michael Zimmer and Eszter Hargittai. Kudos to Hallvard Moe and Anders Larsson for organizing a thought-provoking and lively session. (pdf, slideshare)
  80. The Pragmatics of Retweeting: A case study of academic uses of Twitter
    April 20, 2012, Augsburg (in English)
    Talk with Katrin Weller, given at the 3rd International Conference on Quotation and Meaning (ICQM3) in Augsburg, Germany. (pdf, slideshare)
  81. Wissenschaftliche Blogs: Nutzungsweisen und Nutzer
    March 18, 2012, Deidesheim (in German)
    Talk given by my colleague Merja Mahrt and myself as part of the SciLogs 2012 meeting in Deidesheim, Germany. (pdf, slideshare)
  82. Knowledge or Credit? The (Un)changing Face of Academic Publishing from the Philosophical Transactions to Blogging
    March 12, 2012, Oxford (in English)
    Held on 12 March 2012 at the event "Social Science and Digital Research: Interdisciplinary Insights", convened by the Oxford Internet Institute's Oxford eSocial Science Project (OeSS). (pdf, slideshare)
  83. Was ist ein Wissenschaftsblog?
    March 9, 2012, Munich (in German)
    I held this talk on the form and function of scholarly blogs at the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschafts as part of a dedicated conference on science blogging ("Weblogs in den Geiseswissenschaften"), organized by the Deutsche Historische Institut Paris. Kudos to Mareike König for putting together an excellent program! (pdf, slideshare)
  84. Wissenschaftliche Blogs: Schnittstelle zur Öffentlichkeit oder virtueller Elfenbeinturm
    December 3, 2011, Karsruhe (in German)
    Talk based on joint research on science blogging given by my colleague Merja Mahrt at the Inside Science Conference in Karlsruhe. (pdf, slideshare)
  85. Beyond the stars: Interpreting discourse cohesion in Twitter as an indicator of community
    September 15, 2011, Düsseldorf (in English)
    Presentation held as part of the first Düsseldorf workshop on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Twitter Analysis (#DIATA11) that I co-organized together with my colleague Katrin Weller from the Junior Researchers Group "Science and the Internet". (pdf, slideshare)
  86. (Academic) community management in the Humanities and Social Sciences for publishers, librarians, and enthusiasts
    September 13, 2011, Marseille (in English)
    Lecture given as part of a summer school organized by Cléo. Thanks to Pierre Mournier for inviting me to participate in an inspiring and extremely well-organized event. (pdf, slideshare)
  87. Doing a small-scall diachronic Twitter user study: concept and code
    June 29, 2011, Brisbane (in English)
    Talk given at the 5th Internation Conference on Communities and Technologies (Workshop C: Making Sense of Twitter). Thanks to Axel Bruns and Jean Burgess who organized a great session! (pdf, slideshare)
  88. Social data: what it is, who owns it, and why you should care
    May 18, 2011, Berlin (in English)
    Presentation on data control, ownership and privacy held at industry event NEXT 11 as part of the social media track. Thanks for inviting me! (video, pdf, slideshare)
  89. Twitter zwischen Nachrichtenkanal und Mikronarrativ
    May 4, 2011, Giessen (in German)
    Talk on narrativity in Twitter given at the conference Narrative Genres im Internet und in anderen Neuen Medien held at Giessen University's Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC). (pdf, slideshare)
  90. Elektronisches Publizieren und Open Access für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftler
    November 23, 2010, Essen (in German)
    Presentation held at the colloquim of the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (KWI-NRW). My audience consisted of junior and senior researchers from cultural studies, history, political science, sociology and other fields and my aim was to give them an impression of the options they have when it comes to OA publishing. (slides)
  91. Mehr Offenheit, bitte! Wikipedia und Creative Commons an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit
    November 19, 2010, Frankfurt a.M. (in German)
    I held this talk as part of the Wikipedia Academy 2010, Wikipedia's annual event to foster collaboration between the Wikipedia community and academia. I filled in for Michelle Thorne who couldn't be there and greatly enjoyed chatting with the diverse crowd that showed up. Thanks, Wikipedia Deutschland! (slides)
  92. Visualization in the Digital Humanities: A Survey
    July 28, 2010, Leipzig (in English)
    My second talk at the European Summer School "Cultures and Technologies", this one on visualization. If you're interested in the topic, please have a look at the posts in my blog on visualization as well as my flickr page. (slides)
  93. Google Wave: Einsatzszenarien und Potentiale
    April 27, 2010, Berlin (in German)
    I held this invited talk at the second annual Publisher's Forum, an industry event sponsored by Klopotek AG. (slides)
  94. Der lange Abschied vom Papier: Open Access und die Geisteswissenschaften
    March 15, 2010, Leipzig (in German)
    Talk given as part of a session on Open Access publishing held at the 4th Leipzig Library Congress. (slides)
  95. From cotext to context? Discursive practices in Twitter
    December 18, 2009, Hamburg (in English)
    Invited talk held at the University of Hamburg as part of a class on media linguistics taught by Jannis Androutsopoulos. (slides)
  96. Promotion 2.0: effektive wissenschaftliche Kommunikation und (Selbst-)Präsentation im Zeitalter von Google
    November 2, 2009, Osnabrück (in German)
    I held this invited talk at the University of Osnabrück’s Zentrum für Promovierende (Center for Graduate Studies). It was aimed at PhD students and dealt with publishing and presenting one’s work online, touching issues such as Open Access and virtual identity/perception management from a practical perspective. (blog post with video and slides), (just slides)
  97. "The right to know." Open Access und die digitale Wissensgesellschaft
    October 21, 2009, Cologne (in German)
    Held in October 2009 at the University of Cologne as part of an event for Open Access Week 2009 (#oaw09). (slides)
  98. Google Wave und die Wissenschaft
    September 10, 2009, Schloss Rauischholzhausen/Gießen, Germany (in German)
    These are the slides for my presentations at the 1. Milestone Meeting of the Forschungsverbund Interactive Science, held on September 10th, 2009. The topic of my talk (in German) was Google Wave and its potential for scholarly communication. (slides)
  99. Diary or Megaphone? The pragmatic mode of weblogs
    September 4, 2009, Seattle (in English)
    This talk was held as part of the conference Language in the (New) Media: Technologies and Ideologies at the University of Washington and was largely based on what I presented (in German) for my thesis defense earlier in 2009. Many thanks to Crispin Thurlow for organizing what I thought was an outstanding conference. I’m looking forward to more events in the series! (slides)
  100. Digital Humanities and Internet Research: shared methods and perspectives
    July 29, 2009, Leipzig, Germany (in English)
    I gave this talk on interfaces between Digital Humanities and Internet Studies at the 1st European Summer School "Culture & Technology" held at the University of Leipzig. Thank you to Elizabeth Burr for inviting me and for organizing an extremely stimulating and interesting event. (slides)
  101. Discourse Or Document? Issues of adopting Emerging Digital Genres for Scholarly Communication
    June 24, 2009, Cologne (in English)
    Slides of a talk given as part of the workshop "Scientific Writing and New Patterns of Scientific Communication", organized by Julian Newman and Esther Breuer, at the 5th International Conference on e-Social Science. (slides)
  102. The Eroticism Of Paper
    May 7, 2009, Amsterdam (in English)
    I had the opportunity to give this talk at the weekly colloquium of the Virtual Knowledge Studio (VKS) in Amsterdam. Sarah Kjellberg initiated the visit and Anne Beaulieu kindly arranged the presentation. My main focus was on publishing practices in different disciplines (generously simplified and generalized in my presentation) and on paper publishing vs. digital communication. Thank you to Anne, Paul, Nick, Ernst and everyone else who attended for the very stimulating discussion that provided me with a number of new ideas. (slides)
  103. Technisch vermittelte (Selbst)gespräche?
    January 29, 2009, Düsseldorf (in German)
    These are the slides used for my PhD defense in January 2009. They summarize my most central oberservations regarding the linguistic-pragmatic characteristics of weblogs (in general, not just corporate blogs). (slides)
  104. Naked Conversations oder The Emperor’s New Clothes?
    December 11, 2008, Düsseldorf (in German)
    Luka Peters invited me to present some of my findings on corporate blogging at this wiziq session of an e-learning class held at the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences. Thanks for having me! (slides)
  105. Open Science and Open Research - New Paradigms in Scholarly Communication
    June 25, 2008, IBM Social Computing Group (English; Virtual Cue Brew Session)
    This presentation was given as part of a virtual meeting organized by Catalina Danis of IBM’s Social Computing Group on the topic of Open Science and Open Research. Thanks to Wendy Kellogg, Tom Erickson and everybody else who joined in to discuss the topic and many thanks to Catalina for inviting me. (slides)
  106. Corpora, Blogs and Linguistic Variation - Arguments for Using Structured Web Data in Corpus Development
    November 8, 2007, Paderborn (in English)
    A presentation I gave at the University of Paderborn on corpus development and the advantages of structured web data (blogs) to gain new perspectives on style and individual differences in language use. (slides)
  107. From Publishing to Communication - eLanguage, WALS and Digital Linguistics
    November 5, 2007, Leipzig (in English)
    This presentation I gave at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig touched upon some of the similarities between eLanguage and the WALS project, which aims to make information on the world’s languages accessible on the Net using linked data principles. Many thanks to Martin Haspelmath for inviting me and for an immensely interesting discussion. (slides)
  108. Institutional Blogging - Sharing and linking organizational knowledge, one post at a time
    September 5, 2007, Munich (in English)
    Another practically oriented presentation, this one held at the Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) in Munich. I formulated a few general observations about the use of blogs in organizations, pointing out (among other things) that blogging is often misunderstood purely as a new method for PR and marketing, when personal knowledge management (PKM) is in fact one important way of utilizing blogs that may have far greater potential. Thanks to Robert Forkel for inviting me! (slides)
  109. Blogs or Flogs? Genre Conventions and Linguistic Practices in Corporate Web Logs
    August 31, 2007, Enschede, The Netherlands (in English)
    This practically-oriented presentation was held while I visited Telematica Instituut (now Novay) in August 2007 on invitation from Lilia Efimova. The discussion after the talk was very productive and I have closely integrated much of what we talked about into my thesis research. (slides)
  110. SchemaCMD - An XML-based storage schema for the compilation of mixed-source CMD corpora
    July 27, 2007, Birmingham (in English)
    Held as part of the workshop on Genre and the Web, which was in turn part of the Corpus Linguistics 2007 conference. I would like to thank the three referees who reviewed my submission for their comments and suggestions. (slides)
  111. Shifting the paradigm in Linguistics
    July 12, 2007, Vancouver (in English)
    I held this presentation on eLanguage and its envisioned role for linguistics at the first PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference in Vancouver Canada, on July 12th 2007. (slides)
  112. What McDonald’s is talking about: a computational analysis of the language of company web logs
    June 22, 2007, Düsseldorf (in English)
    This short presentation was held as part of the "Tag des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses" ("junior researchers' day") at the University of Duesseldorf on 22 June 2007. (slides)
  113. Quantitative Individuated Corpus Linguistics: A Speaker-Centric Approach to Variation
    June 5, 2007, Osnabrück (in English)
    I was invited to present this methodological piece at the linguistic research colloquium of the University of Osnabrück. Thanks to Andreas Bergs for inviting me! (slides)
  114. Lies at Wal-Mart: Style, Function and Discursive Strategy of a Corporate Web Log
    May 31, 2007, Düsseldorf (in English)
    Presentation held as part of the research colloquium of the Department of English Language and Linguistics. (slides)
  115. Variation and "Genrefication" in Blogs
    28 February 2007, Siegen (in English)
    Presentation held as part of the workshop "Syntactic Variation and Emerging Genres" at the 29th annual meeting of the German Linguistic Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, DGfS). (slides)

last modified 2019-03-11